Tuesday 2 March 2010

Apocalyptic Logo Ideas

Apocalyptic Idea 1
This logo captures utilises the meaning of the end of the world and danger with the integration of the bio-hazard symbol and the use of red as the blood characters. Although a gory option this logo would stand out and although decorative, is easily readable and clear.

Apocalyptic Idea 2
This logo is has a more clean cut finish with the use of black and yellow which are warning colours used in the tape throughout the exhibition. The bio-hazard sign represents an A in the word with the remainder of the word shown in a skyline profile alongside.

Apocalyptic Idea 3
This logo has a clean finish in the form of a shape and due to this could be used throughout the exhibition as a universal sign. The gas mask is a good representation of our theme and again the black and yellow colours are a representaiton of warning, a straong theme throughout our exhibit.

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