Monday, 31 May 2010

Day 1 - Exhibition Setup - Friday

It was the first day of the exhibition and I arrived at 9am to find team leaders Sav and Mike already there along with Rob, all ready to start. My first main concern was the lack of attendance by the group as a whole, which to be honest was very disappointing considering the outcome of a successful exhibition which would reflect on us all.

To start the setup, we first needed to decide on the most important aspect of the exhibition which was how to display the work in an effective and unique way in order to make best use of the space provided.

It was pre-decided by Sav that the use of fishing wire would be a suitable platform on which to base the presentation of the work, by using it to hang the work giving the illusion of floating, which not only opens up the space of the exhibition due to the lack of visual restrictions but also provided a cheap way to mass produce the presentation throughout the exhibition.

So with this initial basis, Sav proposed the idea of mounting the work back-to-back which we decided would be OK yet a little flat and so I proposed the idea of putting the A3 pieces of work into a triangular shape so as to present the work at three different angles. I firstly tried to present the work in a squared shape by attaching the work side by side and supporting the backs of each piece with a stuck on piece of polystyrene to give the frame a rigid structure.

At first this seemed to be an effective way to present the work, but due to the hard task of levelling the hangings of a 4-sided structure and the odd number of work we needed to present (45 in all) we decided this was the best way to show all the work and so began the constructing the triangle presentations which can be seen in the photographs.

Overall there were 45 pieces of work which needed to be made into the triangular constructions and despite not having everyone’s work, Rob and I managed to build and hang all the work we had into displays and hang them accordingly in the exhibition.

Other tasks for me on the first day included sticking the paint splats to the carpet, making sure the work hung level to the ground at the correct height and most importantly helping Mike and Sax keep their heads together when it looked like they were coming close to the edge of their sanity.

During the morning setup other members of the group turned up and started work on other areas of the exhibition. For those who did bother to show up, their help was vastly appreciated and I felt we had a successful day with little to be completed in preparation for opening the next day.

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