Thursday 3 June 2010

Day 7 – Exhibition Final Day- Thursday

Thursday was the last day of which the exhibition would be open for viewing to the general public, it was also at the end of this day that our course path leader, Jo Bowman and course tutor Mariana Cutino Moguel would be attending to view and asses the successfulness of the exhibition we had created.

For this reason I felt the exhibition needed to be tidied up and so went about fixing small things such as the hanging work issues, making sure it was parallel to the ground, as well as creating more writing pen felt tips for the visitors drawing board. The biggest disappointment was that the walls were still not completely covered, leaving holes, stains and cracks still visible. This of course was unacceptable so we searched for a solution which came in the form of lining papr bought from a cheap stationary shop. The paper was an off white colour but came in roles and was perfect for covering the majority of the exposed wall.

I spent most part of the afternoon covering nearly half the side of the exhibition with this lining paper to give a more professionally themed effect to the subject of our show. Once it was complete and I stepped back to survey it appeared to be a success with the walls now covered from holes with neat strips of clean paper. Images of before and after for the walls can be seen in the photographs for this day.

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