Thursday 3 June 2010

Evaluation of ‘The Design Studio’ exhibition

Now the end was in sight, all that was left to do was the clearing up of the exhibition so that we could hand back the keys to the shop in the condition that we found it. To ensure this was done by closing Friday I arranged to attend the afternoon session of the clear up but on the day I was contacted by Team Leader Mike who informed me the clear up would be complete by 1pm and so I was not needed. It would seem that the weeks worth of work in preparation could be cleared up in a morning which was pleasing and efficient to all those who participated.

Overal I felt that given our nearly non-existent budget and minimal professional help, the exhibition was a success and although lacking that high end quality, I would look at this experience as a learing curve to improve for the future as for most of us this was the first time showing our work never mind exhibiting to the general public.

I was a little disappointed in the fact that not everyone put the same amount of work into the running and preparation of the exhibition, with some only coming in for one day and some not attending at all, but I hope those who needed to know are aware of this and its reflection on the end product. This certainly was a learning experience for me and I felt that if I were to do it again, I would definitely want to from the view of a Team Leaders position so as to better control the outcome of the exhibition’s principles.

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